Individual Sessions

During this session, Jen will use a combination of channeled spirit messages, intuitive guidance, and shamanic healing to help you create your plan for healing.
Individual Sessions
“ I don’t even know how to describe my work with Jen. It is difficult to put into words what she does for you, and how she works with you to allow the divine to move inside you. I do know this: Whether we are shifting energy around an everyday moment or a deep rooted trauma, the time we spend shifting is precious. She is slow and intentional and seeking and wise. She will know your soul before you know yourself, and better yet, she will genuinely want to know you as you are now. She will walk with you as you grow. She finds the child inside you and invites you to come find her, too, so you may hold her hand. In short, what she has is a gift. That gift is nothing short of divine and pure truth. She helps you understand where you have been and where you are going. She helps you know how to weave your own magic. ”
— Shaunna, Client
1 Hour Session:
Personal Energy / Coaching
Sessions are available via Zoom, or in person in Marietta, Georgia. Please contact Jen for availability and times
6 Week Kick Off
Initiating Change
The 6 Week Kick Off Initiating Change program offers targeted one on one sessions aimed at facilitating transformative change in any aspect of your life. Whether you're new to spirituality or seeking to deepen your healing journey, this program empowers you to embrace a more heart-centered way of living.
Sessions are available via Zoom.
30-Min Live Session:
Personal Energy / Coaching
for returning clients only
Sessions are available via Zoom.
1 Hour Session:
Personal Energy / Coaching
Sessions are available via Zoom, or in person in Marietta, Georgia. Please contact Jen for availability and times.
6 Week Kick Off
Initiating Change
The 6 Week Kick Off Initiating Change program offers one on one targeted sessions aimed at facilitating transformative change in any aspect of your life. Whether you're new to spirituality or seeking to deepen your healing journey, this program empowers you to embrace a more heart-centered way of living.
Sessions are available via Zoom.
30-Min Live Session:
Personal Energy / Coaching
for returning clients only
Sessions are available via Zoom, or in person in Marietta, Georgia. Please contact Jen for availability and times.
Sessions for Pets

During this session, Jen will connect intuitively with the caregiver’s animal to relay messages concerning their balance and well-being.
Sessions for Pets
“ I booked a pet reading session with Jen to get some insight and help with my rescue dog Nova, who I learned was both deaf and medically complicated after I adopted her. I was looking to understand if there was anything else I could do for Nova.
It blew my mind! Nova and Jen had an immediate connection. Nova knew Jen was the shaman the moment we walked through the door and focused right in on her! Once our session started, Nova who almost never barked, started answering the questions I was asking Jen by giving a single bark on the NO answers and staying quiet during “Yes” responses. She stayed with her back turned to us, guarding where we were seated, so she wasn’t watching the conversation or responding to body language, she was tuned in energetically! This was the start of a beautiful connection that continues to this day between them. Nova will drop into Jen’s meditations and say Hello, or let Jen know she needs something, or that I do!
I’ve had several sessions with Jen and she is lovely to work with! Her readings are focused, relevant and easily understood. She is solidly grounded, intuitive, compassionate, powerful, and full of insight and wisdom to share. Every reading I have received has been exactly what I needed. I highly recommend Jen for both pet readings and personal readings. She is a gift!! ”
— Allison, Client
30-Minute Live Session:
Animal Connection
On location sessions are available in the Atlanta area. Please contact Jen for scheduling and pricing.
$111 (via Zoom)
Root Camp

Root Camp
” I am truly grateful to Jen for her guidance and compassion. I had come to a point in my healing journey where I was feeling stuck. Not able to move forward. I couldn’t understand why. I had a session with Jen and that’s when she took me on a journey to discover that I had been keeping my inner child locked away to protect her. I knew I had to do something to go further into finding out why so I signed up for her Root Camp program. During our sessions, Jen gently helped me go deep into my childhood and discover what I was doing and why. Thank you Jen for helping me to reconnect with myself. To learn to listen to myself and build that trust with myself. Working with Jen in her Root Camp program has been a life changing experience and I highly recommend her. “
— Sheryl, Client
Root Camp Level 1:
Inner Connection Healing
8-Week Program
“A deep, and transformative journey into the core essence of you, stripping back the layers of separation, self-defense, and illusion that is keeping you from connection to yourself. Root Camp Level 1 heals your trust issues to yourself which in turn affects all of your relationships.” – created by Relationship Reinvented
Together we will take a deep dive into beliefs and patterns that keep you feeling stuck, unloved, and repeating cycles.
Root Camp Level 2:
Continued Healing
6-Week Program
After completing Root Camp Level 1, most people find the healing so transformational they want to keep going! Root Camp Level 2 is designed to continue uncovering the root causes of our pain and belief systems.
Root Camp Level 2:
Continued Healing
6-Week Program
After completing Root Camp Level 1, most people find the healing so transformational they want to keep going! Root Camp Level 2 is designed to continue uncovering the root causes of our pain and belief systems.
Root Camp Level 1:
Inner Connection Healing
8-Week Program
“A deep, and transformative journey into the core essence of you, stripping back the layers of separation, self-defense, and illusion that is keeping you from connection to yourself. Root Camp Level 1 heals your trust issues to yourself which in turn affects all of your relationships.” – created by Relationship Reinvented
Together we will take a deep dive into beliefs and patterns that keep you feeling stuck, unloved, and repeating cycles.
Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates
Wisdom, clarity, and peace are powerful gifts for your loved ones, and for yourself. Gift certificates are available in set amounts, as well as requested amounts. If you are looking for a gift certificate in an amount not listed below, please contact Jen for assistance.