Ocean Wisdom-Shamanic Journey

A Shamanic Journey is a meditative state where one has the ability to travel between worlds. These worlds hold wisdom and teachings that can be brought back and applied to our everyday lives.

I love sharing and talking about Journeys I go on. These posts will tell a story as seen through my eyes from the other worlds. At the end of each, I’ll share some guidance that I hope will assist you on your own journey. Thank you for reading and being a part of mine. I am honored you are here! ~Jen

Shamanic Journey 3-16-21

Looking at life’s lesson and experiences through the eyes of the ocean.

I walk through a field of Cosmos.  They are pink, plentiful and dance on a warm breeze.  They sky is blue with the kind of clouds that seem to hang from the heavens.  The ones that seem so far away that it makes the sky look even bigger and higher than usual.

I continue walking and get to my usual tree that I sit and relax into.  Normally there is a red blanket waiting but today there is a plaid with large shapes blue and cream.  I snuggle up into it and drift off and awaken to the sound of ocean waves crashing. I look down and see that the blanket had slowly changed into a wool blanket from my childhood.  I feel like this is the first time it has ever been used.  It’s one of those my mom had but it seemed more like decoration.  We had a lot of things like that in my house growing up.  Beautiful things that were for “Looks” not use.  But in this moment as I am wrapped up in it, it’s warm and rough wool texture is comforting against my skin.  

 The ocean below is busy, sending in wave after wave into an inlet with high tall rock cliffs where I am standing.  It looks a lot like Otter Rock and the Devils Punch Bowl on the Oregon Coast.  A place where during high tide the ocean pounds the coast made of sandstone and volcanic rock from eruptions years ago.  As I look down below, I can feel the energy of the incoming waves.  Its intense, forceful against the rocks but gentle against the sandy beaches.  The incoming energy it brings feels so strong but nurturing at the same time.  There is a purity and abundant feeling to it.  The outgoing pulls energy from me as if it is extracting something.  I get lost in this feeling of coming and going, filling and emptying over and over. 

In a divine syncing of my energy with the ocean I begin to see the many ways the ocean can teach us.  I first see manifestations.  The waves deliver a sense of abundance in all forms.  A newness of ideas, people, places, opportunities, things, all being brought in.  We never know the timing or the order, or what gift is inside until it hits us and opens up in front of us.  Just like the waves roll in, a previous manifestation that came in that served its purpose must leave on the ebb current.  In the natural flows of manifesting, something must depart to make room for the new.  A sure sign a manifestation is coming in is something in your reality will fade away.  When unaware this can sometimes feel frustrating, like you’re not moving forward.  It is easy to forget that manifesting has many different stages and receiving is only a part of it.

I reflect for a moment and see how some of my own manifestations past and present and how this has become true in my own life. I breathe deeply and on the next set of waves something else is coming in.  I watch closely and here “lessons”.  I am generally not a fan of the word lessons.  My ego wants to immediately identify with that in the thought I’ve done something wrong. Instead, I look at “lessons” as experiences brought in to further move me down my souls’ journey.  I will admit that it does sometimes take longer for me to shift myself from “lesson” to “experience”.  This is purely the process of shifting from your head to your heart.  (That’s an Ocean wave all in itself that is a practice in our human reality is constant.)

When I connect with the waves in regard to experience, I can feel excitement, beauty, pain, suffering, loss relief and mourning.  Some are softer, a gentle bump to nudge us on our path.  They are easily seen, can feel nourishing as you see the sand move and be pulled back out to sea. Clearing away the energies that are no longer needed.  Others come crashing in, can be hard to tell their real size and power until you are knocked down and sometimes feel like you can’t get up or breath.  They can seem harsh and out of nowhere.  Or there’s the big tidal wave you can see on the horizon that gives you enough time to adjust, prepare or move out of the way.  Either way these waves come in for our greatest good and highest purpose. Just as they flow in and can deliver pain for us to process, once the experience is felt and you have truly processed the pain, that same ocean cleanses you and takes away your suffering.  It takes it to the depths of the sea to be transmuted back into its pure form of love.  Waves don’t always have to feel bad either.  There is an even exchange.  The Ocean can hit you with a wave of love, passion, joy, filling the space in which suffering once lived.  

No matter the experience, it is love that comes in to cleanse, fill, strengthen and purify you. I could clearly see the reflection of Spirit in the Ocean.  Spirit, Universe, God, whatever your higher power is.  This teacher that is everywhere and in everything beautifully reflecting above what is a reflection of you below.


In meditation, (an ocean waves recording might be helpful) or in the physical world.  Picture or look at the waves.  Stand and gaze deeply and connect your breath to the ebb and flow.  As you settle deeper into a state of connection see what Spirit has to show you.  You may see memories, and how your experiences have shaped you over time. How each event and manifestation has flowed into your life and then come to pass.  The big and the small, the gentle and soul shaking. It can take practice. remember the one continuous wave holds the teaching of presence. The shifting from your mind (thoughts) to your heart (feelings). When your mind starts to wander in, and it will, return back to your breath and presence. 

Breathe, connect, explore and observe.  In these moments the silence speaks.

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